Whippersnapper $14-$19*
12 and under only. Keep yhour little whippersnapper looking good. You'll get your wife off your back and your kid will thank you.

Father-Son Special $36-$41*
A unique bonding experience. For the lad: a cold cola, shampoo and expert cut. Pops: A brew, a haircut, shampoo and style, and hot towel treatment.

Ron Swanson$20-$25*
For those who have never known what bangs are don't intend to learn. A full beard and mustache tune up, a cold hard drink, a soothing hot towel service and refreshing after shave. You devil, you!

Frank Lucas$25-$30*
Theres no drink with this one! Either you're somebody or you ain't nobody. A haircut, shampoo, style and hot towel treatment. For those men that don't play no games. My man.

Tony Montana$28-$33*
First you get the cut, then you get the powder, then you get the women.. or something like that. An adult refreshment, a haircut, shampoo, style, and hot towel treatment.

Vito Corleone$23-$28*
I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse.. a service worthy of the Godfather. A gentleman's drink, a haircut, shampoo, style, hot towel treatment, and deep tissue neck and shoulder massage.
*Prices vary per barber